Mesabi Community Television
Virginia Public Access Studios
Cable Channels 2, 5, 7, 13
Virginia Public Access studios began expanding its channel 5 services in 2004 with its sports programming, church services and city council broadcasts.
Since then the East Iron Range cable channel 2 was re-established as a partnership between Virginia's studio and Hoyt Lakes, Aurora, Biwabik and Mesabi East Schools.
Later Mt. Iron entered into partnership with us as channel 7.
Channels 2 and 5 reach from Hoyt Lakes to Chisholm, and Mt. Iron's channel 7 reaches from Hoyt Lakes to Mt. Iron. In 2012, the city of Gilbert was added to the channel 2 cooperative.
In 2015 the city of Chisholm was added as Channel 13.
Besides our programming we also carry a community bulletin board on each channel.
Email -
Steve Rahkola, Station Manager
Location - City Hall
327 1st Street South
Virginia, Mn. 55792
With the growing demand for our services both locally and around the country, we began streaming on demand services for people in rural areas as well as school alumni and 'snow birds' who want to keep in touch with local events.
In 2010 we also began testing the waters with live streaming of select events. In 2016 we added the ability to produce live television and streaming services from remote locations.
Currently we have 2 people working part time to staff our studio as well as using 7 videographers for area events from Hoyt Lakes to Chisholm.
We are located in the basement of Virginia's city hall. Stop by the information window in the main lobby and ask for directions to find us.
We invite to stop by and see our facility and learn how you can have a voice in our community. Please call ahead or inquire by email. Only as people participate in the democratic process and use their rights to free speech can we all make a difference together.
You may want to become involved either as a filmer of some of our events, or you may want to create your own program. We'd be glad to help you get started.
Contact us at any time to see how you can start sending us your own videos which we'll share on TV and online.
We serve all of the communities on the East Iron Range from Hoyt Lakes to Chisholm, except Eveleth. All 4 of our channels reach the entire east Iron Range area. You may email us your public service announcements or mail them in to city hall.
Below is a short review of some of the types of programming we so, as well as a further explanation of how Public Access Television works.